Watch this video truly shocking
Monday, November 11, 2013
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Tips on upholstery stains
Another useful article form the web worth a look
Spills, stains and normal wear and tear can leave your upholstered furniture looking less than fresh. Should you clean it yourself or leave the job to the pros? That depends.
While manufacturers often recommend professional cleaning, many spots and stains can be treated at home without risk to the furniture. To help you decide, consider three main factors:
1. Fabric type
2. Size and location of stain
3. Type of stain
First, look at the manufacturer’s label to identify the fabric content. (If necessary, ask your retailer or check with the manufacturer). If the fabric is synthetic, you can usually safely clean it at home, since synthetic fabrics were designed for ease of care. If the fabric is a natural/synthetic blend, however, use caution and test a small, hidden patch first. If the upholstery is more than 50% cotton, professional cleaning may be your best bet if the stain is large, dark or in a very noticeable area.
The easiest upholstery stains to clean are those that are treated while they are still fresh. The hardest to clean are grease and oil. Any very large stain may be best left to a professional. Some tips on increasing your chance of successful results:
1. Moisture is not your friend. Use as little water as possible to clean upholstery. Try a spot remover first, but if you must use a water-based approach, use it sparingly for best results.
2. Upholstery sprays are inexpensive and often work well on organic stains, but they are ineffective on grease or oil.
3. Baby wipes are surprisingly effective for cleaning upholstery because they deliver the right amount of soap and water, are quite gentle, and evaporate quickly.
4. Coffee Stains: Combine a small amount of dish detergent, water and vinegar and dab sparingly until coffee disappears.
5. Mold or mildew: Mix a quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide and a quarter teaspoon of color safe bleach. Lightly rub the stain with a clean cloth dipped in the solution. Rub area with fresh water applied sparingly and let dry.
6. Stubborn Stains:
CRAYON: Try using non-gel toothpaste to remove crayon marks from water-safe upholstery. Rub it gently on the surface, a small section at a time, then wipe off with a damp cloth.
GREASE OR OIL: Sprinkle salt, cornstarch or talcum powder on the spot as soon as you discover it. Rub in carefully, allow grease to lift off upholstery and absorb into spot remover. Brush off grease and powder and wipe with a damp cloth.
Did you know you can reduce overall grime and soiling of your upholstered furniture by vacuuming it regularly? Special upholstery attachments for your vacuum system can make it easy to reach small corners and creases, and are safe for use on fabrics. Vacuum furniture at least every two months, or weekly if you have pets or allergies.
if in any doubt contact a professional
Cleanbright the Dublin carpet cleaner
Monday, August 19, 2013
DIY or professional, the dangers of diy
another good article by Kevin loomes this man knows his stuff
And why you could be very disappointed indeed
There's something special about having fresh, clean carpets. It makes you feel better and gives your guests a great welcome. Cleaning them yourself may have been an idea you may have thought about before - afterall there are lots of adverts saying how you can hire 'professional' machines and the results look really good. Great! You may think, I'll get them done at the weekend and save money too!
So off you go to the DIY store and hire a machine with detergents, and you get them in the back of the car and get home ready for action! After a whole day of slogging away, filling up, emptying etc - will you be impressed with the results?
The honest answer is more than likely not. But why do you say? It's quite simple be prepared for a little education based on facts, and ignore it at your peril.
A small machine from a hire store has to be small for a reason. If it's too big you won't be able to lift it - or fit it in to your car. Now being so small (and light) means that there is a limit on power - hhmm you may think, surely a carpet cleaning machine is a carpet cleaning machine. Yes, but there are MASSIVE differences between different types - and ALL giving different results.
Basically the bigger the machine the heavier it gets - due to much bigger internal motors and pumps for example, meaning it will have more power, allowing much better results to be had. Lets take this further. As the power increases even more (and again, along with the weight and size of the machine) the better it will perform in the worst conditions. There will be more VACUUM, more HEAT and more water PRESSURE leaving carpets much cleaner, brighter and dryer.
So you really have to try and ignore the suggestively 'amazing' sales videos and literature that are associated with these machines and realise that it is essentially impossible to achieve the same result as a genuine professional machine (hire machines are certainly not professional by the way). But you have to understand that they want to sell the 'hiring' of these machines for a reason - it makes them money (hey they are a business afterall). So yes they will have great 'images' etc - merely offering visual representations (as opposed to actual genuine cleaning photos).
If you think about this situation logically - if it were true (i.e. they do the same job as any other machine) then companies (certainly in our case), wouldn't buy machines costing many thousands of pounds - no-one would want to waste that sort of money right? - ABSOLUTELY! But they don't do the same - nowhere near, which is why some companies invest heavily to give the ultimate cleaning experience to their clients (note: not all companies/individuals do).
So What Are The Hidden Dangers?
Well they certainly are present that's for sure, and we occasionally SEE the result - and rectify issues commonly experienced with them. I will list them - and if you have used one before you may notice one of them - or even all of them.
1) Poor results - due to lack of power from the machines
2) Damp carpets for days - causing smells
3) Mould build up - due to incorrect cleaning attempts
4) Delaminated carpets - caused by overwetting
5) Browning discolouration - caused by overwetting
6) Shrinkage - caused by excessive moisture
7) Rapid re-soiling - caused by high residue content of detergent left behind
The actual dangers are mould spores being breathed in which can cause health issues, and physically damaged carpets - which may have to be removed & replaced. THIS IS NOT A SCARE TACTIC. These are genuine problems that arise because of these machines. We had a client contact us recently who experienced the exact same problem and explained to me that it was a waste of time BUYING one of these machines as it now sits in her cupboard (and she will not use it any more). And yes, we visited her to clean her carpets properly.
So, the idea of saving a few pounds now.......well could it actually cost you more financially? Yes it could indeed, and you have been warned.
Author: Kevin Loomes
cleanbright the dublin carpet cleaner
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Agitation why do it
Another great article by kevin loomes
What On Earth is 'Agitation'? & Why Should it NEVER Be Missed?
And why every company should be doing it.
Its a simple process, an action of loosening soil to make it easier to remove from where it's attached to. It's not complicated, but it can and and does get missed - even though it's critically important.
Allow me to explain. If your washing your hands, you first apply a cleaning agent, and then you 'agitate' your hands together and then you rinse under water making them lovely and clean. If your washing your car, you put the sponge in to the bucket containing a cleaning product, and then you 'agitate' the paintwork - and rinse off with water to get a great shiny finish . If your washing your hair, you apply a shampoo and 'agitate' with your fingers prior to rinsing off and leaving it squeeky clean. I think you get the picture. Fundamentally they all require agitation to get the desired result.
So if we didn't agitate what we clean - and just applied the product and merely rinsed off - what would happen to your hands, your car or your hair? Well not a lot really, it really wouldn't look any different.
So logic says that ANY cleaning being undertaken, whether it's something as simple as above - or even cleaning a floor for example, tells you that you cannot miss this critical process otherwise there wouldn't be any proper cleaning being carried out. This is just a simple fact but one I hope you can now easily understand why it's such an important aspect to the whole cleaning service. It's simple isn't it? Yes it's really that simple!
So Why Should Every Company 'Do It' & How Does It Relate To Professional Cleaning?
Well first of all it is irrelevant whether a professional company carry it out or not - it's still the same principal. So if a company chooses to miss this aspect of the cleaning process, then they really are missing out on giving a thorough 'proper' clean. Whether it's carpets, upholstery, leather, rugs or hard floors, only by agitating will the item be really clean - prior to the rinsing action of the fibres or hard surface.
You know it makes logical sense, so if a company decides to miss out on this (i.e. carpet cleaning for example) - just ask them why, and see what they say. Maybe they charged a really low price and subsequently haven't got time to do it? It's quite a common scenario unfortunately, as something has to 'give' the lower the price goes.
So how does a company actually 'agitate'? Well it's the use of a separate machine that does the work - prior to the main machine rinsing it all out. This can be by different types of equipment, using brushes or pads for example, but essentially it massages the area deep down and loosens the soil, in conjunction with a suitable cleaning agent (and suitable equipment).
So, if you haven't yet experienced proper cleaning - then make sure your furnishings are agitated!
Author: Kevin Loomes
thought this was such a good piece , we always agitate ,but sadly alot of the cowboys dont
Cleanbright the Dublin carpet cleaners
Cleanbright the Dublin carpet cleaners
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Dark Patches in Front of Sofas - Is It Damage....or Dirt?
Really good article by kevin loomes Dark Patches in Front of Sofas - Is It Damage....or Dirt?
You may be sitting there one day and looking at your carpet, and notice that in front of your sofa or armchair on the carpet - that the foot area looks well, downright grubby - and wouldn't it be nice if it wasn't there! Maybe a good clean will get rid of it you think - or will it?
Surely a clean will return it to new again?
Well,...possibly. What do you mean I hear you say! Well it's not as simple as that - for a number of reasons. Usually if its quite bad then it's usually down to people wearing outdoor shoes - in the house, treading all over the carpets. I can hear your brain saying "But we all wipe our shoes when we come in - so what on earth do you mean?" And that's fair enough, so let me explain.
You see even when wiping your shoes on a mat, this doesn't remove ALL the soil particles. It may remove the bulk but not the tiny particles, even minute particles caught inbetween the tread of the sole. When you walk over a carpet - or sit in the same area, its the shoes rubbing against the carpet fibres - wearing them away. It's almost like sandpaper. The tiny particles act as an abrasive, and they grind against the carpet fibre surface causing damage.
But why is it darker there than the rest of the carpet?
Well lets take a different look on it - and then you should understand. Imagine a carpet fibre.....when manufactured they are cylindrical, round and smooth on the surface - reflecting lots of light bouncing off this smooth finish. When this surface is abraded it reflects light a lot less and subsequently looks duller. Imagine a sheet of new pvc plastic, it's hard, smooth and really shiny when reflected in the light. If you get a piece of sandpaper and rub the plastic - what happens? It goes all dull and consequently darker. This is exactly the same as a carpet fibre when shoes coarsely rub against it.
Doesn't that make sense? Of course it does. Now mix in some soil from shoes and it becomes quite unsightly. Cleaning may well indeed improve the appearance but it is possible that the area could be permanently damaged. To make matters worse even slippers can cause issues too! If they are black soled, the constant rubbing of the sole can penetrate the fibres leaving them darker in appearance. If you think about it and look at your slipper soles right now - if they are black and maybe smooth and shiny? Where has the sole thickness and tread gone - if you've only worn them indoors? That's right - in to your carpet! It's not rocket science.
One last thing...
Heavy soiling created by shoes can make the same area become victim of 'inground soil' too. OK - what's this? Well essentially it's the constant bombardment of soil in one place, and it isnt always possible to remove it. It's true, and let me give you a similar scenario. If you have a white shirt, and you start to notice that the top of the collar edge and the cuff edges are showing black soil/grubbiness - and you have just taken it out of the washing machine (even at 90 degrees!) - you put this down to the fact that the machine just cannot lift any more out, as it's just not possible. Well it's exactly the same with fibres and fabrics. So it's not ineffective cleaning - it's simply issues with that particular carpet [if it was ineffective cleaning then everyone would be complaining to their washing machine manufacturer!!].
So try to look after your carpet by removing outdoor shoes and obtaining light coloured soled slippers. With these 2 actions alone the carpet will last much longer - and cleaning will have a better chance of making it look fabulous afterwards.
Author: Kevin Loomes
You may be sitting there one day and looking at your carpet, and notice that in front of your sofa or armchair on the carpet - that the foot area looks well, downright grubby - and wouldn't it be nice if it wasn't there! Maybe a good clean will get rid of it you think - or will it?
Surely a clean will return it to new again?
Well,...possibly. What do you mean I hear you say! Well it's not as simple as that - for a number of reasons. Usually if its quite bad then it's usually down to people wearing outdoor shoes - in the house, treading all over the carpets. I can hear your brain saying "But we all wipe our shoes when we come in - so what on earth do you mean?" And that's fair enough, so let me explain.
You see even when wiping your shoes on a mat, this doesn't remove ALL the soil particles. It may remove the bulk but not the tiny particles, even minute particles caught inbetween the tread of the sole. When you walk over a carpet - or sit in the same area, its the shoes rubbing against the carpet fibres - wearing them away. It's almost like sandpaper. The tiny particles act as an abrasive, and they grind against the carpet fibre surface causing damage.
But why is it darker there than the rest of the carpet?
Well lets take a different look on it - and then you should understand. Imagine a carpet fibre.....when manufactured they are cylindrical, round and smooth on the surface - reflecting lots of light bouncing off this smooth finish. When this surface is abraded it reflects light a lot less and subsequently looks duller. Imagine a sheet of new pvc plastic, it's hard, smooth and really shiny when reflected in the light. If you get a piece of sandpaper and rub the plastic - what happens? It goes all dull and consequently darker. This is exactly the same as a carpet fibre when shoes coarsely rub against it.
Doesn't that make sense? Of course it does. Now mix in some soil from shoes and it becomes quite unsightly. Cleaning may well indeed improve the appearance but it is possible that the area could be permanently damaged. To make matters worse even slippers can cause issues too! If they are black soled, the constant rubbing of the sole can penetrate the fibres leaving them darker in appearance. If you think about it and look at your slipper soles right now - if they are black and maybe smooth and shiny? Where has the sole thickness and tread gone - if you've only worn them indoors? That's right - in to your carpet! It's not rocket science.
One last thing...
Heavy soiling created by shoes can make the same area become victim of 'inground soil' too. OK - what's this? Well essentially it's the constant bombardment of soil in one place, and it isnt always possible to remove it. It's true, and let me give you a similar scenario. If you have a white shirt, and you start to notice that the top of the collar edge and the cuff edges are showing black soil/grubbiness - and you have just taken it out of the washing machine (even at 90 degrees!) - you put this down to the fact that the machine just cannot lift any more out, as it's just not possible. Well it's exactly the same with fibres and fabrics. So it's not ineffective cleaning - it's simply issues with that particular carpet [if it was ineffective cleaning then everyone would be complaining to their washing machine manufacturer!!].
So try to look after your carpet by removing outdoor shoes and obtaining light coloured soled slippers. With these 2 actions alone the carpet will last much longer - and cleaning will have a better chance of making it look fabulous afterwards.
Author: Kevin Loomes
Thanks for reading the dublin carpet cleaner
Thursday, May 30, 2013
why carpets resoil faster after cleaning by Omar Khabat
This is a seriously good article by omar Khabat just wanted to share it with every one
Monday, May 27, 2013
cleaning upholstery DIY or pro
This article had a good approach , but how do you feel about these articles can more damage than good be done read it and let me know
Spills, stains and normal wear and tear can leave your upholstered furniture looking less than fresh. Should you clean it yourself or leave the job to the pros? That depends.
While manufacturers often recommend professional cleaning, many spots and stains can be treated at home without risk to the furniture. To help you decide, consider three main factors:
1. Fabric type
2. Size and location of stain
3. Type of stain
First, look at the manufacturer’s label to identify the fabric content. (If necessary, ask your retailer or check with the manufacturer). If the fabric is synthetic, you can usually safely clean it at home, since synthetic fabrics were designed for ease of care. If the fabric is a natural/synthetic blend, however, use caution and test a small, hidden patch first. If the upholstery is more than 50% cotton, professional cleaning may be your best bet if the stain is large, dark or in a very noticeable area.
The easiest upholstery stains to clean are those that are treated while they are still fresh. The hardest to clean are grease and oil. Any very large stain may be best left to a professional. Some tips on increasing your chance of successful results:
1. Moisture is not your friend. Use as little water as possible to clean upholstery. Try a spot remover first, but if you must use a water-based approach, use it sparingly for best results.
2. Upholstery sprays are inexpensive and often work well on organic stains, but they are ineffective on grease or oil.
3. Baby wipes are surprisingly effective for cleaning upholstery because they deliver the right amount of soap and water, are quite gentle, and evaporate quickly.
4. Coffee Stains: Combine a small amount of dish detergent, water and vinegar and dab sparingly until coffee disappears.
5. Mold or mildew: Mix a quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide and a quarter teaspoon of color safe bleach. Lightly rub the stain with a clean cloth dipped in the solution. Rub area with fresh water applied sparingly and let dry.
6. Stubborn Stains:
CRAYON: Try using non-gel toothpaste to remove crayon marks from water-safe upholstery. Rub it gently on the surface, a small section at a time, then wipe off with a damp cloth.
GREASE OR OIL: Sprinkle salt, cornstarch or talcum powder on the spot as soon as you discover it. Rub in carefully, allow grease to lift off upholstery and absorb into spot remover. Brush off grease and powder and wipe with a damp cloth.
Did you know you can reduce overall grime and soiling of your upholstered furniture by vacuuming it regularly? Special upholstery attachments for your vacuum system can make it easy to reach small corners and creases, and are safe for use on fabrics. Vacuum furniture at least every two months, or weekly if you have pets or allergies.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Carpet cleaning myths exposed
i thought this was a good article and wanted to share it, i find alot of the assertians made in it are a common enough occurance read and let me know what you think
Most people have already formed certain assumptions about carpet cleaning and professional carpet cleaning companies. As are many assumptions lingering out there in the world, many of them are either incorrect or misguided. It is important to go into any situation being armed with the knowledge to get you the best service for the best price. If a consumer is unaware of what to look for and just is not armed with the proper knowledge to negotiate and make sure the carpet cleaning company they choose will do the job right, then there is a chance they could get hustled by a less than reputable business.
After all, there are unsavory people working in every industry, so even in the professional carpet cleaning industry you may run across a few companies that allow these people to work there. These crooks love to find a consumer who does not know how much a service should cost or what steps should be taken to make sure it gets done right. They will overcharge them, cut corners on the job and pocket the extra cash they make. This is why it is important to operate with knowledge in hand, rather than misguided assumptions.
For that reason and many more, here are some common myths about carpet cleaning, and what the real truth behind them is.
the dublin carpet cleaners
Most people have already formed certain assumptions about carpet cleaning and professional carpet cleaning companies. As are many assumptions lingering out there in the world, many of them are either incorrect or misguided. It is important to go into any situation being armed with the knowledge to get you the best service for the best price. If a consumer is unaware of what to look for and just is not armed with the proper knowledge to negotiate and make sure the carpet cleaning company they choose will do the job right, then there is a chance they could get hustled by a less than reputable business.
After all, there are unsavory people working in every industry, so even in the professional carpet cleaning industry you may run across a few companies that allow these people to work there. These crooks love to find a consumer who does not know how much a service should cost or what steps should be taken to make sure it gets done right. They will overcharge them, cut corners on the job and pocket the extra cash they make. This is why it is important to operate with knowledge in hand, rather than misguided assumptions.
For that reason and many more, here are some common myths about carpet cleaning, and what the real truth behind them is.
- MYTH: Professional Carpet Cleaning is Too Expensive; I can Do a Better Job Myself, and For Less Money! – It is highly unlikely that a person with little to no knowledge of how to professionally clean a carpet will be able to do a more efficient, better job for less money than a reputable and professional carpet cleaning company. These companies have permits and wholesale pricing to get equipment, industrial cleansers and unique patents on better cleaning products that an individual just does not have access to. By the time the consumer has rented the proper vacuum, bought the right cleanser, moved all the furniture out of the house and tried to figure out how to operate the vacuum, more time would have been spent than would have been worth it. On top of that, it is much simpler to make mistakes as a novice, and mistakes in carpet cleaning can cost a lot more money than an original professional carpet cleaning job ever would have.
- MYTH: Professional Carpet Cleaning Companies Use Far Too Many Harmful Chemicals on Carpets. I Don't Want to Get Sick! – Although there are some companies that use harsher chemicals than others, many professional carpet cleaning companies have been transitioning as the "going green" movement has gained strength. If a professional carpet cleaning company does not offer any non-toxic environmentally friendly cleansers, then just call another company because there are plenty of professional carpet cleaning companies out there that support the "going green" movement and protecting homes with safe cleansers.
- MYTH: If I Just Vacuum My Carpet Regularly, I Do Not Need To Have It Cleaned Professionally – It would be great if this were true, right? Be diligent about keeping your home clean, and you'll never need any professional cleaning services. However, it just isn't true. Dust, fibers and dirt can build up in air ducts, in carpet pads and in plenty of other places a person just never thinks to check. As these harmful things build up overtime, they can make everyone in the household sick with respiratory problems and other health issues. That is why it is important to have the deep clean that only a professional carpet cleaning company can provide, at least every once in a while.
- MYTH: My Carpet is only a Year Old; It Does Not Need to Be Cleaned Yet – This is an assumption that most homeowners make, and it is unequivocally false. Operating under the false assumption that a carpet does not need to be cleaned until it actually looks dirty is a poor way to go about carpet cleaning. Most of the harmful dirt, dust, mold and other toxins are hidden deep down in the carpet pad. The only way to get them out? A professional carpet cleaning job. So just because the carpet is relatively new, do not assume that it does not need to be cleaned yet.
- MYTH: I Can Buy Spot Cleaners For My Carpet At The Store and They Are The Same Thing! – No, not really, not even a little bit, not even at all. Once again, carpet cleaning professionals are able to have access to products and equipment that someone outside of the industry would not be able to purchase in a mainstream store. Even if they were able to get their hands on some professional grade spot remover for carpets, it is unlikely that it will come cheap. Industry professionals are able to pass on a better price for the use of those products because they buy in bulk for their business and get a wholesale discount. Many store bought spot removers either do not work, or have bleach in them, which can leave a darker carpet completely ruined.
the dublin carpet cleaners
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
comparison of carpet cleaning methods
Every one thinks there way of cleaning is the best and off course if you have invested thousands in your equipment or a franchise then thats what will happen you will promote your sysytem , how do they compare, here is an interesting item i picked up , let me know what you think
In general, there are four basic methods for cleaning carpet:
* Carpet Shampooing
* Dry Chemical or Foam
* Bonnet or Adsorbent Pad
* Hot Water Extraction or Steam Cleaning.
Which system you chose depends on factors such as the carpet material, type of pile, wear, tear and the amount of soiling. Some systems leave residues which promote re-soiling and defeat the whole purpose of cleaning. Some methods can actually damage the carpet fibers and shorten the life of the carpet. Check with the carpet manufacturer for recommendations. For a typical household most manufacturers recommend that carpet be professionally cleaned every 12 to 18 months depending upon the number in the household, amount and type of activity, and whether the carpet is light or dark. You should try to clean the carpets before they become too heavily soiled. In spite of beliefs to the contrary, frequent cleaning will not cause the carpets to re-soil faster unless you use a method which leaves a dirt-attracting residue.
A wet shampoo/detergent solution is scrubbed onto the carpet through openings in a rotary brush, whose turning converts the solution into foam and works it into the carpet. Once dry, most residue containing loose, encapsulated soil is vacuumed to remove it (although often dirt attracting residue remains). Chemicals may be added to the shampoo solution to reduce odors, retard soiling, brighten colors and/or speed drying which may also leave a residue. Sometimes this method is combined with Hot Water Extraction using water rather than a detergent solution to remove shampoo. Although more expensive this method is especially effective for cleaning highly soiled carpets, with heavy oil/soil build-up. Self-applied aerosols foams are a variation of shampoo. The foam is usually sprayed onto the carpet and worked in rubbed in with a sponge or cloth. When dry, the residue containing suspended soil is vacuumed up. The foam uses little water and usually does over wet the carpet. Generally the foam does not clean as deeply as a wetter method and some foams may leave a difficult to remove residue which could cause problems with subsequent wet cleaning.
Dry Methods
Dry methods use dry chemicals or dry foams and are generally best for public or high traffic areas where a more thorough wetting could be a problem and they are typically used with periodic with deep cleanings. “Dry” is often a misnomer since quite some dampness may be involved. The process is fairly simple. First, because this method does not reach as deeply into the carpet fibers as a wet method, vacuum thoroughly. You might consider renting a commercial vacuum if yours is not very powerful (not only to pre-clean, but also to extract the dried foam and soil). If the carpet is heavily soiled you may wish to use a pre-conditioner to help clean it. Then the chemicals are dusted into the carpet and worked in by brushing a number of times in different directions with a brushing machine. After a short period of drying, usually about an hour, the entire carpet and floor surface are vacuumed. The process can be repeated, if necessary, without damage to the carpet and will remove most surface soil. When using a dry foam machine always brush with the grain or flow of the pile if there is one. This could entail turning it off and returning to the original edge of the carpet to foam an adjacent area going in the same direction. When foam is dry vacuum it and the soil out. As potential drawback is that if not properly applied and removed the dry materials can act as dirt attractants.
Bonnet or Adsorbent Pad Method
The Absorbent Pad method of cleaning (often called bonnet cleaning) is similar to the Shampoo Method. It uses an absorbent pad ('bonnet') attached to the bottom of a rotary machine. A detergent solution is sprayed onto the carpet and the rotary pad is used to agitate and remove the soil suspended in the solution from the carpet. When one side of the pad gets soiled it can be reversed. And when both sides are soiled, the pad can be replaced and later cleaned. Often, his method is used in regular maintenance of commercial buildings. Like the dry methods, Adsorbent Pad cleaning does not wet the carpet fibers completely and dies relatively quickly. For the same reason the method does not clean as thoroughly or deeply as wetter methods and may leave residues. This method may not be effective for carpets with a distinct grain or flow to the carpet pile.
Hot Water Extraction or Steam Cleaning
As with other methods you’ll get the best results if the carpet is thoroughly vacuumed and pre-treated, if necessary, prior to cleaning. In recent years the most effective steam cleaning method appears to be truck-mounted units. Either portable or truck-mounted equipment is used to spray heated detergent solution into the carpet pile at a high pressure and immediately extracted along with the suspended soil particles. The machine may employ rotary brushes or another agitating device to work the solution into the pile and loosen soil. Results may vary. One reason truck mounted units function more effectively than portable units do is that they are powered by the truck's engine and not your residential electric supply. Other reasons are that they provide higher solution temperatures and spray pressures as well as more vacuum power for full extraction. This method wets the rug and you must wait for it to dry completely before normal use.
Comparison of Carpet Cleaning Methods
Most carpet manufacturers recommend professional cleaning versus “Do-It-Yourself” for a variety of reasons. Your own, or rental, equipment may not be properly adjusted or cleaned and could cause problems such as the wrong proportion of detergents or cleaners which can leave residue and cause re-soiling, over wetting, damage to rug fibers, yellowing, etc. Many rental units do not clean adequately and may actually damage your carpet. The consensus of manufacturers and professional cleaners is that do-it-yourself methods work best as temporary treatments for high traffic or spill areas between professional cleanings.In general, there are four basic methods for cleaning carpet:
* Carpet Shampooing
* Dry Chemical or Foam
* Bonnet or Adsorbent Pad
* Hot Water Extraction or Steam Cleaning.
Which system you chose depends on factors such as the carpet material, type of pile, wear, tear and the amount of soiling. Some systems leave residues which promote re-soiling and defeat the whole purpose of cleaning. Some methods can actually damage the carpet fibers and shorten the life of the carpet. Check with the carpet manufacturer for recommendations. For a typical household most manufacturers recommend that carpet be professionally cleaned every 12 to 18 months depending upon the number in the household, amount and type of activity, and whether the carpet is light or dark. You should try to clean the carpets before they become too heavily soiled. In spite of beliefs to the contrary, frequent cleaning will not cause the carpets to re-soil faster unless you use a method which leaves a dirt-attracting residue.
A wet shampoo/detergent solution is scrubbed onto the carpet through openings in a rotary brush, whose turning converts the solution into foam and works it into the carpet. Once dry, most residue containing loose, encapsulated soil is vacuumed to remove it (although often dirt attracting residue remains). Chemicals may be added to the shampoo solution to reduce odors, retard soiling, brighten colors and/or speed drying which may also leave a residue. Sometimes this method is combined with Hot Water Extraction using water rather than a detergent solution to remove shampoo. Although more expensive this method is especially effective for cleaning highly soiled carpets, with heavy oil/soil build-up. Self-applied aerosols foams are a variation of shampoo. The foam is usually sprayed onto the carpet and worked in rubbed in with a sponge or cloth. When dry, the residue containing suspended soil is vacuumed up. The foam uses little water and usually does over wet the carpet. Generally the foam does not clean as deeply as a wetter method and some foams may leave a difficult to remove residue which could cause problems with subsequent wet cleaning.
Dry Methods
Dry methods use dry chemicals or dry foams and are generally best for public or high traffic areas where a more thorough wetting could be a problem and they are typically used with periodic with deep cleanings. “Dry” is often a misnomer since quite some dampness may be involved. The process is fairly simple. First, because this method does not reach as deeply into the carpet fibers as a wet method, vacuum thoroughly. You might consider renting a commercial vacuum if yours is not very powerful (not only to pre-clean, but also to extract the dried foam and soil). If the carpet is heavily soiled you may wish to use a pre-conditioner to help clean it. Then the chemicals are dusted into the carpet and worked in by brushing a number of times in different directions with a brushing machine. After a short period of drying, usually about an hour, the entire carpet and floor surface are vacuumed. The process can be repeated, if necessary, without damage to the carpet and will remove most surface soil. When using a dry foam machine always brush with the grain or flow of the pile if there is one. This could entail turning it off and returning to the original edge of the carpet to foam an adjacent area going in the same direction. When foam is dry vacuum it and the soil out. As potential drawback is that if not properly applied and removed the dry materials can act as dirt attractants.
Bonnet or Adsorbent Pad Method
The Absorbent Pad method of cleaning (often called bonnet cleaning) is similar to the Shampoo Method. It uses an absorbent pad ('bonnet') attached to the bottom of a rotary machine. A detergent solution is sprayed onto the carpet and the rotary pad is used to agitate and remove the soil suspended in the solution from the carpet. When one side of the pad gets soiled it can be reversed. And when both sides are soiled, the pad can be replaced and later cleaned. Often, his method is used in regular maintenance of commercial buildings. Like the dry methods, Adsorbent Pad cleaning does not wet the carpet fibers completely and dies relatively quickly. For the same reason the method does not clean as thoroughly or deeply as wetter methods and may leave residues. This method may not be effective for carpets with a distinct grain or flow to the carpet pile.
Hot Water Extraction or Steam Cleaning
As with other methods you’ll get the best results if the carpet is thoroughly vacuumed and pre-treated, if necessary, prior to cleaning. In recent years the most effective steam cleaning method appears to be truck-mounted units. Either portable or truck-mounted equipment is used to spray heated detergent solution into the carpet pile at a high pressure and immediately extracted along with the suspended soil particles. The machine may employ rotary brushes or another agitating device to work the solution into the pile and loosen soil. Results may vary. One reason truck mounted units function more effectively than portable units do is that they are powered by the truck's engine and not your residential electric supply. Other reasons are that they provide higher solution temperatures and spray pressures as well as more vacuum power for full extraction. This method wets the rug and you must wait for it to dry completely before normal use.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Carpet Cleaning and Traffic Wear: 6 Steps to Maintaining Your Carpet
Carpet Cleaning and Traffic Wear: 6 Steps to Maintaining Your Carpet

The Problem
To find a solution we need to examine what causes ugly traffic patterns. The simple answer is dirt, but there is more to it than that. Synthetic fibers make up over 90% of the carpet in our homes today. Nylon takes the lion’s share of that 90% with polypropylene (olefin) and polyester filling out most of the rest. All three of these materials have different pros and cons when it comes to their use in carpet but the one thing they all have in common is that they are all plastic.Plastic and dirt don’t mix.
Dirt, dust and soil when examined under a microscope look like shards of broken glass. Plastic surfaces such as a Plexiglas window are very smooth and easily scratched. When you combine broken glass with smooth plastic and a catalyst such as friction you get gouged, scratched, unsightly plastic.Anyone with kids has seen the difference between a new plastic sand toy, and an old one that has been thoroughly enjoyed at the beach and in the sand box. The harsh grains of sand scratch and abrade the plastic making it appear dull and faded.
The very same thing is happening to synthetic carpet the world over. Between the dust that settles on the carpet from the air and the soil we track in on the bottoms of our shoes, the cards are definitely stacked against our carpet. All of that soil on the carpet gets moved across the surface of the carpet fiber whenever we walk on the carpet and abrades the fiber just like the aforementioned sand toys and Plexiglas. This abrasion causes the carpet fiber to become dull in comparison to the less traveled on areas near the walls and – voila! -the traffic wear pattern is born.
Unfortunately just like the used sand toys, no amount of carpet cleaning will restore the damaged carpet fibers to their like new condition. The good news, however, is that a professional carpet cleaning will improve the appearance of the carpet and further damage can be prevented. This is where the dichotomy of the solution to this problem comes in. As I said before the solution is both extremely simple and extremely complicated. On the one hand all you need to do to prevent the wear on new carpet and further wear on older carpet is to simply keep the dust, dirt and soil off the carpet. Therein lies the complication; how to do that. The answer requires a bit of a commitment by you and the other members of your household.
The Solution
- The first thing people usually do to combat the traffic wear problem is to buy a mat or a runner to put down at the entry point to the carpet. This is a good idea but it is not enough by far. It takes approximately 27 steps to walk off all of the soil from your shoes. To do this effectively you would need a runner about 100 feet long. Not practical. A mat or small runner will help to keep soil off of the carpet but it is only part of the solution.
- The next step is to remove your shoes before coming in the house. It can be a little inconvenient but it will become like second nature after you get used to it. The key here is to put your shoes on when you go back outside. It does no good to take your shoes off when you come in and then go outside in your socks or bare feet and only to come back in the house with dirty socks or feet.
- The worst traffic patterns occur at transition areas between carpet and a hard surface like tile or wood because while carpet has the ability to hold on to soil, hard surfaces do not. The soil sticks to the bottom of your shoes or feet and is then transferred to the carpet. Keeping the hard surface clean is a very important part of the process. So important in fact, that I would tie it with step 4.
- The most important step is regular vacuuming. Frequent vacuuming is the single best way to remove soil from your carpet and prevent ugly traffic wear patterns. More than half of all the soil in your carpet can be removed through vacuuming alone. When you consider the cost of your carpet compared to the cost of a vacuum it’s a no brainer. Spending a little extra time every week to vacuum your carpet will extend the life of your carpet and improve the overall air quality inside your home which will make for a generally healthier environment for your family.
- The rest can be removed through carpet cleaning. Regular carpet cleaning will be more effective when all of these other steps are implemented and adhered to. If you choose to perform your own carpet cleaning it will be easier to clean and take less of your valuable time. If you hire a professional carpet cleaning company they will be able to use a less invasive interim carpet cleaning process and it will save you money if they don’t have to use a restorative carpet cleaning process every time they clean your carpet.
- After the carpet cleaning, carpet protector should be applied. A good carpet protector, properly applied, will prevent food spills from staining as well as protecting the carpet fiber from dry soil abrasion. It will coat the carpet fiber and prevent soil and spills from ever touching the fiber thereby preventing dry soil abrasion and staining.
Environmental Benefits
In addition to saving you money, keeping your home looking beautiful and making your indoor environment healthier, following these 6 steps will also benefit the environment.By keeping the hard surfaces and carpet in your home clean you will extend their life by many years. If they continue to look aesthetically pleasing you will continue to enjoy them and not be tempted to replace them as often. This will keep the used carpet, padding, wood, tile, vinyl, linoleum, etc. out of the landfills.
Maintaining your flooring instead of replacing it will also save you thousands of dollars over the life of your home. In this economy and even in a better economy I’m sure we can all find better things to do with our money than spend it on floor coverings.
When your carpet is properly maintained it will not require extensive restorative carpet cleaning. This means that fewer chemicals will be needed. Fewer chemicals, no matter how green and environmentally friendly they are, are always a good thing. It’s better for you, your family your pets and the environment.
A good maintenance plan applied to anything will cut costs, reduce waste, and save time in the long run. In these hard times that is more important than ever before and now is the perfect time to start from the floor up to make your plan for cleaner carpet and cleaner living.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Busy day ahead
Its good to be busy, In the tough economic climate we live in it seems that on a daily basis companys go under . hopefully all you out there are still working talk soon
The Dublin carpet cleaner
The Dublin carpet cleaner
Carpet cleaning -dangerous- Misinformation
I read this article with interest the other day, and it got me thinking
What are peoples opinions of Carpet cleaning chemicals, as a child i remember the noxious odour that came of carpet cleaning chemicals ..
Today though we know things have changed , there are ranges of eco-friendly chemicals on the market, enzyme based etc.
Still though there seems a body of opinion that seems suspicous of what we clean carpets with.
What have you found in this regard?
What are peoples opinions of Carpet cleaning chemicals, as a child i remember the noxious odour that came of carpet cleaning chemicals ..
Today though we know things have changed , there are ranges of eco-friendly chemicals on the market, enzyme based etc.
Still though there seems a body of opinion that seems suspicous of what we clean carpets with.
What have you found in this regard?
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Ten worst stains to get on your carpet
I read this Article and thouhgt it may be of interest, what do you think? anymore to add to the list
Somebody once wrote a book entitled “When Two or Three are Gathered Together, Someone Spills Their Drink.” However, it’s not just drinks that get spilled at the table when families get together, with resulting stains on the tablecloth, the napkins, people’s shirts and fronts, and even onto trousers. Food seems to get all over the place – and that’s without a small baby in the family or food fights going on. And guess who has to wash it all off.
Somebody once wrote a book entitled “When Two or Three are Gathered Together, Someone Spills Their Drink.” However, it’s not just drinks that get spilled at the table when families get together, with resulting stains on the tablecloth, the napkins, people’s shirts and fronts, and even onto trousers. Food seems to get all over the place – and that’s without a small baby in the family or food fights going on. And guess who has to wash it all off.
Some food stains are worse than others to get off. Here is the Hall of Shame for food stains – and how to deal with them.
1. Food stain: Banana. Most likely culprit: Babies – banana is excellent baby food, but the resulting spills, spits and sick-ups result in black-grey stains down the fronts of all those pale, pastel garments. Removal method: Some people swear by pre-wash stain treatments, others suggest using glycerine to treat the stain before washing, while others suggest bleaching the stain with lemon juice and leaving it in the sunlight. One of the more unusual suggestions for removing banana stains from baby clothes is to rub the banana pulp (before the stain sets) with the inside of a banana peel.
2. Food stain: Tomato sauce (including baked beans). Most likely culprit: Everybody, but especially the ones who prefer having sausage with their tomato sauce, not tomato sauce with their sausage. Removal method: Scrape off as much as possible, then rinse immediately under cold water. Using white vinegar or glycerine as a pre-treatment can also work. Also consider trying a biological washing powder and a hot wash (if the fabric can handle it).
3. Food stain: Curry, especially the ones with tumeric. Most likely culprit: Me – I love curry. Removal method: Scrape off the excess as soon as possible. Then pre-treat the stain with glycerine and wash using a warm wash (to break down the oils), preferably using biological washing powder.
4. Food stain: Beetroot. Most likely culprit: The ones who hate beetroot and remove it from their filled rolls… and put it down on the tablecloth (not again!). Removal method: Splash on a little soda water as soon as the spill happens, sponge off the excess and then wash (as soon as possible) as normal.
5. Food stain: Cherries. Most likely culprit: Everyone. Removal method: Soak in cold water as soon as possible. Use natural domestic cleaner like vinegar or lemon juice as a bleach (if you use lemon juice, put the item in the sun to let the bleach work), then wash, preferably in biological washing powder.
6. Food stain: Chewing gum. Most likely culprit: My pre-teenagers. Removal method: Ideally, banning chewing gum. Realistically, putting the item with the gum in the freezer and letting the gum harden. Then scrape off the hardened gum. Any residue can be tackled by blotting and soaking the area with meths or some other alcohol. You can also buy specialised chewing gum remover in some places.
7. Food stain: Egg. Most likely culprit: Children who like boiled eggs but haven’t realised that the further in you put your spoon, the higher the yolk rises; clumsy or novice cooks. Removal method: Scrub off excess egg. Then soak in cold water (hot water will set egg stains). Wash in cold water.
8. Food stain: Red wine. Most likely culprit: Those who overindulge. Removal method: Immediately, pour on white wine, soda water or salt to get the stain away from the fabric. If using white wine or soda water, blot up the excess – salt should be brushed away. Rinse well in cold water until the stain has gone. Don’t use soap, as this will set the stain.
9. Food stain: Tea. Most likely culprit: Chipped teapots. Removal method: Rub a paste of baking soda and water on the spot and leave it to sit for about quarter of an hour before washing.
10. Food stain: Soy sauce. Most likely culprit: My husband. Removal method: Rinse well under cold running water as soon as possible. Rub the fabric against itself until the stain as gone. Don’t use soap – it will set the stain – but you can use washing up detergent to move the stain along.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
how to get rid of vomit (what a lovely blog i have)
Cleaning up vomit is one of the worst cleaning tasks around. When it lands on carpet, you have a double task. Remove the oudors and the stains. The key is using the right cleaners to break through the mess and remove it for good.
You Will Need:
Paper towels or old rags
Warm water
Enzyme-based cleaner
Baking soda or corn starch
Steps to Clean the Carpet: Start by removing as much of the vomit as possible. Use a dust pan or other scraper to remove as much as possible. For smaller messes, a spoon will work.
Cover the area with baking soda or corn starch. Either of these products will soak up the excess moisture.
Allow it to set on the area for 10-15 minutes.
Vacuum away the baking soda or corn starch with a vacuum.
Next, you will treat the area for the odor and/or stains that may be present.
Apply an enzyme-based cleaner. These are readily available in the cleaning aisle or with the pet supplies. These cleaners break down the odor-causing proteins so they can be removed completely. They are effective in removing stains as well.
Apply a liberal amount of cleaner to the area.
Blot it with a clean cloth or paper towels to remove the cleaner and the stain.
Repeat as necessary.
If these cleaners are not available, water can be mixed with vinegar and dish soap. Use the same application/blotting method to clean the area.
Once the area is clean, allow it to air dry completely.
Vacuum the dry surface to restore the texture.
Additional Tips and Advice For best results, clean the carpet immediately. The longer the vomit sits, the further it will soak into the carpet and padding and will be more difficult to remove.
Dry cleaning fluid is also helpful for removing vomit stains from carpet.
If at the end you are not happy with the results don’t hesitate to call a professional carpet cleaner. They carry a wide range of products to get rid of these smelly stains
Monday, April 15, 2013
How to look after your carpets
2 Take better care of your carpets, rugs, tapestries and upholstery. Having them professionally cleaned once every twelve to eighteen months is a matter of health and lengthening the life of your investment.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure – tip #2: Prevent the pile of your carpet from being crushed and worn prematurely by putting a throw rug or small carpet in front of especially heavily trafficked areas, like in front of a favorite chair.
4 Move furniture to reach inaccessible spots. Adjust furniture placement – even an inch or two every time you vacuum – will allow the spots crushed by furniture legs to recover.
5 Treat spots immediately. It's true. Treat spills asap, or it's likely to set and become a permanent, or much harder to remove. Avoid chemical treatments which may be damaging. Start with cold water, and in most cases, a little baking soda works.
6 Know your carpet. Before buying, ask: Is it treated with moth repellent, and soil and stain resistant? Does it require dry cleaning? How long is the warranty and what does it entail?
7 Have carpets professionally cleaned at least once every twelve to eighteen months, more often for high-use areas. Check manufacturer's recommendation.
8 Know what deep cleaning method is right for your carpet. It has been proven that the most efficient way to clean, disinfect and sanitize carpets, rugs, tapestry and upholstery is the high-powered water extraction method, . Like a portable washing machine for your carpets as they steam-clean and remove the water. Quicker than many traditional processes, it doesn't leave chemical residue behind. Only clean, fresher smelling, newer looking results.
9 Find a professional carpet cleaning company that knows what to do and how. Use your newly gained knowledge to verify that those cleaning your carpets knows even more. Ask questions, research cleaning methods and check customer satisfaction. Insist on steam cleaning with proper equipment or you may have a carpet looking clean on the surface, but due to inefficient drying (from low quality steam cleaning) mold now breeds beneath the surface.
Carpets, rugs, tapestries and upholstery are in virtually all human environments. They add beauty, comfort, style, warmth. They effectively buffer sound, protect underlying floor surfaces and even protect those who may fall. Whether it is a family heirloom or not, protect your investment and family. Professionally clean these items using high-powered steam extraction.
Monday, April 8, 2013
how to get rid of common stains
Always soak up the liquid with absorbent tissue then dab the area with a clean white cloth which has been moistened in a solution of diluted carpet shampoo and warm water.
Using a blunt knife or spatula, remove as much solid material as possible. Blot up the residue and treat with a dry cleaning liquid, blotting frequently with absorbent cloth.
Carefully scrape up the solids with a blunt knife and then treat the stain with a recognized brand of tar remover, following the instructions carefully.
Mop up immediately and dab area with a solution of diluted carpet shampoo and one egg cup of white vinegar per pint of solution.
Always soak up the liquid with absorbent tissue, then dab the area with a clean white cloth, moisten with cold water. If the stain has been allowed to dry, dissolve with cold water and continue as before.
Interesting fact: Bloodstains often return! It is not unusual to remove a bloodstain only to find it reappears later (particularly if there has been a large amount of blood). Needless to say this phenomenon has brought out the superstitious side in some people; however, there is a simple scientific explanation. Blood has a natural capillary action and therefore in very tight spaces (such as between carpet fibres) is drawn upwards. So whilst the blood on the surface of the carpet may have been removed more blood may be trapped deeper in the pile. This is then drawn to the surface over time giving the ghostly impression that the bloodstain has returned!
Carefully scrape up the solids with a blunt knife then dab the area with a clean white cloth moistened with a solution of diluted carpet shampoo and warm water.
Blot excess spillage with absorbent tissue then clean with white spirit. Dab the area with diluted carpet shampoo and then follow with an application of clean water. Dab until dry and brush the affected area.
Blot excess spillage with absorbent tissue then clean the affected area with cold water. Apply diluted carpet shampoo on a clean white cloth; apply clean water and dab dry.
Carefully scrape off excess using a blunt knife. Dab the area with a clean white cloth, moistened in a solution of diluted carpet shampoo and warm water.
Carefully scrape up the solid and clean gently with a dry cleaning fluid. Then use a clean white cloth, moistened with diluted carpet shampoo, to rinse the area.
Freeze the gum with a proprietary freezing agent, break up when frozen and remove. Repeat as necessary.
An extremely difficult stain. Large marks should be treated professionally. With small marks, scrape off the deposit and rub lightly with borax solution (15ml borax to 500ml water). Stubborn stains can sometimes be helped with a little neat glycerine rubbed into the carpet and left for about 10 minutes. Then sponge out with warm water and blot dry.
Some felt-tip pens have spirit-based ink, some have water based ink. Methylated spirit on a cotton wool bud will remove spirit-based ink, which has a pungent smell. But do not allow it to penetrate to a foam backing. The methylated spirit may stain a light coloured carpet. For water-based ink, use carpet shampoo.
Speedy action is essential. Dab with methylated spirit on a cotton wool bud. Take care not to spread the stain. On vinyl upholstery or wall coverings, immediately scrub with a nail brush and warm soapy water (the ink will cause a permanent mark if left).
Spoon up deposit; avoid spreading the stain. Moisten a pad of cotton wool with amyl acetate or acetone (non-oily nail varnish remover) and dab on affected area. Use it only in a well-ventilated area.
Inevitably some dirt will accumulate over time and this can cause a carpet to lose its freshness. In such cases we recommended professional cleaning. Indeed periodic professional cleaning (how often depends on use) can help to prolong the life of your carpet.
Always soak up the liquid with absorbent tissue then dab the area with a clean white cloth which has been moistened in a solution of diluted carpet shampoo and warm water.
Using a blunt knife or spatula, remove as much solid material as possible. Blot up the residue and treat with a dry cleaning liquid, blotting frequently with absorbent cloth.
Carefully scrape up the solids with a blunt knife and then treat the stain with a recognized brand of tar remover, following the instructions carefully.
Mop up immediately and dab area with a solution of diluted carpet shampoo and one egg cup of white vinegar per pint of solution.
Always soak up the liquid with absorbent tissue, then dab the area with a clean white cloth, moisten with cold water. If the stain has been allowed to dry, dissolve with cold water and continue as before.
Interesting fact: Bloodstains often return! It is not unusual to remove a bloodstain only to find it reappears later (particularly if there has been a large amount of blood). Needless to say this phenomenon has brought out the superstitious side in some people; however, there is a simple scientific explanation. Blood has a natural capillary action and therefore in very tight spaces (such as between carpet fibres) is drawn upwards. So whilst the blood on the surface of the carpet may have been removed more blood may be trapped deeper in the pile. This is then drawn to the surface over time giving the ghostly impression that the bloodstain has returned!
Carefully scrape up the solids with a blunt knife then dab the area with a clean white cloth moistened with a solution of diluted carpet shampoo and warm water.
Blot excess spillage with absorbent tissue then clean with white spirit. Dab the area with diluted carpet shampoo and then follow with an application of clean water. Dab until dry and brush the affected area.
Blot excess spillage with absorbent tissue then clean the affected area with cold water. Apply diluted carpet shampoo on a clean white cloth; apply clean water and dab dry.
Carefully scrape off excess using a blunt knife. Dab the area with a clean white cloth, moistened in a solution of diluted carpet shampoo and warm water.
Carefully scrape up the solid and clean gently with a dry cleaning fluid. Then use a clean white cloth, moistened with diluted carpet shampoo, to rinse the area.
Freeze the gum with a proprietary freezing agent, break up when frozen and remove. Repeat as necessary.
An extremely difficult stain. Large marks should be treated professionally. With small marks, scrape off the deposit and rub lightly with borax solution (15ml borax to 500ml water). Stubborn stains can sometimes be helped with a little neat glycerine rubbed into the carpet and left for about 10 minutes. Then sponge out with warm water and blot dry.
Some felt-tip pens have spirit-based ink, some have water based ink. Methylated spirit on a cotton wool bud will remove spirit-based ink, which has a pungent smell. But do not allow it to penetrate to a foam backing. The methylated spirit may stain a light coloured carpet. For water-based ink, use carpet shampoo.
Speedy action is essential. Dab with methylated spirit on a cotton wool bud. Take care not to spread the stain. On vinyl upholstery or wall coverings, immediately scrub with a nail brush and warm soapy water (the ink will cause a permanent mark if left).
Spoon up deposit; avoid spreading the stain. Moisten a pad of cotton wool with amyl acetate or acetone (non-oily nail varnish remover) and dab on affected area. Use it only in a well-ventilated area.
Inevitably some dirt will accumulate over time and this can cause a carpet to lose its freshness. In such cases we recommended professional cleaning. Indeed periodic professional cleaning (how often depends on use) can help to prolong the life of your carpet.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
How important is Carpet cleaning to you
Heres a thought, how important is getting your carpet cleaned to you? Is it part of a regular routine that you have each year, or the other extreme its done only when your feet are sticking to the carpets.
another occasion is when there is a special event taking place, party wedding birthday etc.
to many it seems that Carpet cleaning is not a priority Why is this?
Is it money, indifferance or not being educated as to the importance of a good routine
What do you think?
another occasion is when there is a special event taking place, party wedding birthday etc.
to many it seems that Carpet cleaning is not a priority Why is this?
Is it money, indifferance or not being educated as to the importance of a good routine
What do you think?
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Facebook do you use it
Check out my facebook page , do you use it is it effective please comment on your experience!/CleanbrightCarpetCleaning!/CleanbrightCarpetCleaning
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Diy carpet cleaning the hidden dangers
It seems a sign of the times that we all want to save money, and many of us need too thats a fact, but as is often the case when we think we havve managed to save a few pennys there is a sting in the tail diy carpet cleaning can bee like that. there is an excellent article that i would encourage you all to read from a fellow carpet cleaner its relly informative
this guy knows his trade
Cleanbright the Dublin carpet cleaner
this guy knows his trade
Cleanbright the Dublin carpet cleaner
Thursday, March 28, 2013
what do people want to know about carpets?
What do people really want to know about their carpets send me some suggestions and lets see where we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
wool vs manmade carpets
If you're looking for new carpets there are a few things to consider. The first should be "how much money do I have?" and "do I really want to spend it on new carpets?" If your answers to these questions were "enough" and "yes" then you really are in the market for carpet and here's what you need to know:
A recent industry survey conducted by showed that man-made carpet was far more receptive to traditional cleaning methods than organic fabrics like wool or cotton. If you have a cleaner, get whatever carpet you want, as you likely won't be the one cleaning it. If you are among the many people who do their own cleaning, man-made fabrics like rayon and microfibre might be a good option. Treating man-made carpets with stain protectors like scotchguard is cheap and easy. Should you ever strike it rich and hire a team of domestic cleaners, you'll sleep better knowing that your carpets will pose no problems for them.
Wool might look and feel better, but hours spent on hands and knees removing pilling with a pair of tweezers and scrubbing tiny imperfections will certainly make you forget that. You'll be resenting your fancy new wool carpet and the South African mountain-dwelling mohair-bearing sheep it was made from in no time at all. What's more, wool carpets, because of their cushy, malleable quality, are also quicker to wear than other fabric types, making them look old before their time.
To make the great wool vs. man-made carpet debate more accessible to the average Irish person, here is a simple analogy, borrowed from the famous children's story "the tortoise and the hare"; wool is sleek and beautiful like the hare, it goes fast and, for a few wonderful moments, it will look great and all your friends will admire you for it. Man-made fabrics, on the other hand, are the tortoise. They may not look like much in the beginning, but as the race goes on they will win you over with their persistency. Also, hares require far more love and attention than tortoises, which is not included in the children's story but very pertinent in terms of the big carpet debate.
You would do well to ring around to a few companies, to get their thoughts on the matter. There are a lot of pros and cons regarding the material we choose for our carpets, get advice on your needs.
A recent industry survey conducted by showed that man-made carpet was far more receptive to traditional cleaning methods than organic fabrics like wool or cotton. If you have a cleaner, get whatever carpet you want, as you likely won't be the one cleaning it. If you are among the many people who do their own cleaning, man-made fabrics like rayon and microfibre might be a good option. Treating man-made carpets with stain protectors like scotchguard is cheap and easy. Should you ever strike it rich and hire a team of domestic cleaners, you'll sleep better knowing that your carpets will pose no problems for them.
Wool might look and feel better, but hours spent on hands and knees removing pilling with a pair of tweezers and scrubbing tiny imperfections will certainly make you forget that. You'll be resenting your fancy new wool carpet and the South African mountain-dwelling mohair-bearing sheep it was made from in no time at all. What's more, wool carpets, because of their cushy, malleable quality, are also quicker to wear than other fabric types, making them look old before their time.
To make the great wool vs. man-made carpet debate more accessible to the average Irish person, here is a simple analogy, borrowed from the famous children's story "the tortoise and the hare"; wool is sleek and beautiful like the hare, it goes fast and, for a few wonderful moments, it will look great and all your friends will admire you for it. Man-made fabrics, on the other hand, are the tortoise. They may not look like much in the beginning, but as the race goes on they will win you over with their persistency. Also, hares require far more love and attention than tortoises, which is not included in the children's story but very pertinent in terms of the big carpet debate.
You would do well to ring around to a few companies, to get their thoughts on the matter. There are a lot of pros and cons regarding the material we choose for our carpets, get advice on your needs.
Monday, March 25, 2013
what carpets should you buy when you have pets
Pet owners looking for new carpet have two main priorities: stain resistance and durability. After all, pet accidents and wear and tear from four-legged traffic can really take a toll on your carpet and shorten its life span, though this seems like a fair trade for the health benefits pets bring to their owners. Many 21st-century consumers have added health and environmental effects to their list of flooring priorities, and finding a carpet that meets these concerns is getting easier.
What makes carpet a good choice for floor covering if you have pets? Wall-to-wall carpeting is more comfortable for pets; after all, many pets spend lots of time lying around on the floor, inspiring spasms of envy in their owners. Carpet is also a nonslip surface that can be safer for animals, whose footpads tend to slide on tile and wooden flooring Lastly, carpet absorbs sound and can make your home a more peaceful place to live .
A common concern with carpeting is that it may contribute to asthma and allergies by collecting dust and pet dander. Both The Carpet and Rug Institute and the Canadian Carpet Institute claim that wall-to-wall carpeting actually traps allergens until they can be vacuumed up. They say that it's the best choice for allergy sufferers as long as you vacuum and deep clean your carpet regularly. Most allergy experts, however, still recommend hardwood or tile flooring
If you have your heart set on carpet, you'll want to take the following factors into consideration when making your selection.
Materials: Carpeting is usually made from wool, a natural fiber, or from synthetic fibers like nylon, polypropelene and polyester. Wool carpet is the softest and most luxurious, is naturally flame-retardant and breaks down more quickly in landfills, but it's more expensive than synthetic fibers and not as stain-resistant. Carpeting made from nylon fibers is the most popular because it's durable, stain-resistant and affordable, making it the most suitable for households with kids and pets. polypropelene and polyester are cheaper than nylon but less durable .
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs): Carpet and other common materials found in homes may contain VOCs. These chemicals can cause eye, nose and throat irritation and have neurological effects
Newer carpets contain lower levels of VOCs, and carpets that carry The Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label are certified to be low-VOC. Manufacturing of newer carpets may also require less water and energy, and they're often made from recycled materials
Carpets made just for pets: Some carpets have been specifically designed to prevent pet stains from soaking through to your carpet padding, where the moisture can foster bacteria and mold growth. You might also consider carpet tiles, which make replacing damaged sections of the carpet easier. Some colors or patterns hide pet hair better than others, so consider this when choosing new carpet, too.
Once you've installed your beautiful, new, pet-friendly carpet, be sure to clean it often and well. Keeping carpet clean and dry prevents mold from growing To best care for your carpet, choose a vacuum approved by The Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label program, which can reduce airborne dust by 94 percent .
What makes carpet a good choice for floor covering if you have pets? Wall-to-wall carpeting is more comfortable for pets; after all, many pets spend lots of time lying around on the floor, inspiring spasms of envy in their owners. Carpet is also a nonslip surface that can be safer for animals, whose footpads tend to slide on tile and wooden flooring Lastly, carpet absorbs sound and can make your home a more peaceful place to live .
A common concern with carpeting is that it may contribute to asthma and allergies by collecting dust and pet dander. Both The Carpet and Rug Institute and the Canadian Carpet Institute claim that wall-to-wall carpeting actually traps allergens until they can be vacuumed up. They say that it's the best choice for allergy sufferers as long as you vacuum and deep clean your carpet regularly. Most allergy experts, however, still recommend hardwood or tile flooring
If you have your heart set on carpet, you'll want to take the following factors into consideration when making your selection.
Materials: Carpeting is usually made from wool, a natural fiber, or from synthetic fibers like nylon, polypropelene and polyester. Wool carpet is the softest and most luxurious, is naturally flame-retardant and breaks down more quickly in landfills, but it's more expensive than synthetic fibers and not as stain-resistant. Carpeting made from nylon fibers is the most popular because it's durable, stain-resistant and affordable, making it the most suitable for households with kids and pets. polypropelene and polyester are cheaper than nylon but less durable .
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs): Carpet and other common materials found in homes may contain VOCs. These chemicals can cause eye, nose and throat irritation and have neurological effects
Newer carpets contain lower levels of VOCs, and carpets that carry The Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label are certified to be low-VOC. Manufacturing of newer carpets may also require less water and energy, and they're often made from recycled materials
Carpets made just for pets: Some carpets have been specifically designed to prevent pet stains from soaking through to your carpet padding, where the moisture can foster bacteria and mold growth. You might also consider carpet tiles, which make replacing damaged sections of the carpet easier. Some colors or patterns hide pet hair better than others, so consider this when choosing new carpet, too.
Once you've installed your beautiful, new, pet-friendly carpet, be sure to clean it often and well. Keeping carpet clean and dry prevents mold from growing To best care for your carpet, choose a vacuum approved by The Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label program, which can reduce airborne dust by 94 percent .
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
How to remove curry stains
i wanted to share this really good post with you, because accidents do happen
Monday, March 18, 2013
What to do before a carpet cleaner arrives
thought this was a good article , not all applys to all companies of course but still good info
What to do before a carpet cleaner arrives
Getting your home's carpets cleaned is a great way to freshen up the appeal of your home and preserve a floor covering's life span.
While part of the joy of hiring a professional is having someone else do the dirty work, taking these pro-active steps can help make sure you get the cleanest carpet possible:
1. Vacuum, if needed - Removing as much debris and dirt from the carpet fiber prior to a cleaning can help ensure your carpet cleaner is focusing on the deep down soiled in dirt. Some carpet cleaning services vacuum the carpet prior to beginning their work. Others rely on you, the homeowner, to do so. Ask your carpet cleaning professional whether or not you need to vacuum prior to their arrival.
2. Dust and clean Skirting boards - Clearing these areas of dirt and debris can help ensure the carpet isn't' dirtied quickly following a cleaning.
3. Remove fragile items - Porcelain knick-knacks, Ming dynasty vases, collectibles and any other potentially fragile or breakable items should be removed from the cleaning area and placed in a safe area.
4. Remove valuable items - While many carpet cleaning companies thoroughly screen and vet their employees, it's still a good idea to remove any items of value from rooms with carpeting that will be cleaned. Store them behind a locked door or in your car's trunk.
5. Move furniture, if necessary - Your carpet cleaner may offer a discount for cleaning a room that's empty or just focusing on high foot traffic areas. On the other hand, you may want to ensure your carpet is totally clean from wall to wall. Some companies charge a fee for moving furniture, others don't, so ask about moving furniture when making an appointment.
6. Remove smaller items from the floor - Floor lamps, waste baskets, toys, and clothing or shoes should all be moved out of the area to be cleaned. It's also a good idea to lift up and secure things like bedspreads, drapes or dust ruffles with a clothespin to prevent them from getting in the way of a carpet cleaner's tools.
7. Free up a parking spot - If your carpet cleaner uses truck-mounted equipment, they'll need to park their vehicle as close as possible to an entry door to run hoses for their cleaning equipment. Make sure your family's vehicles aren't obstructing them.
8. Point out areas of concern - Showing a professional carpet cleaner the stains, spots or high traffic areas you're most concerned with will help make sure they're not missed during the cleaning process.
What to do before a carpet cleaner arrives
Getting your home's carpets cleaned is a great way to freshen up the appeal of your home and preserve a floor covering's life span.
While part of the joy of hiring a professional is having someone else do the dirty work, taking these pro-active steps can help make sure you get the cleanest carpet possible:
1. Vacuum, if needed - Removing as much debris and dirt from the carpet fiber prior to a cleaning can help ensure your carpet cleaner is focusing on the deep down soiled in dirt. Some carpet cleaning services vacuum the carpet prior to beginning their work. Others rely on you, the homeowner, to do so. Ask your carpet cleaning professional whether or not you need to vacuum prior to their arrival.
2. Dust and clean Skirting boards - Clearing these areas of dirt and debris can help ensure the carpet isn't' dirtied quickly following a cleaning.
3. Remove fragile items - Porcelain knick-knacks, Ming dynasty vases, collectibles and any other potentially fragile or breakable items should be removed from the cleaning area and placed in a safe area.
4. Remove valuable items - While many carpet cleaning companies thoroughly screen and vet their employees, it's still a good idea to remove any items of value from rooms with carpeting that will be cleaned. Store them behind a locked door or in your car's trunk.
5. Move furniture, if necessary - Your carpet cleaner may offer a discount for cleaning a room that's empty or just focusing on high foot traffic areas. On the other hand, you may want to ensure your carpet is totally clean from wall to wall. Some companies charge a fee for moving furniture, others don't, so ask about moving furniture when making an appointment.
6. Remove smaller items from the floor - Floor lamps, waste baskets, toys, and clothing or shoes should all be moved out of the area to be cleaned. It's also a good idea to lift up and secure things like bedspreads, drapes or dust ruffles with a clothespin to prevent them from getting in the way of a carpet cleaner's tools.
7. Free up a parking spot - If your carpet cleaner uses truck-mounted equipment, they'll need to park their vehicle as close as possible to an entry door to run hoses for their cleaning equipment. Make sure your family's vehicles aren't obstructing them.
8. Point out areas of concern - Showing a professional carpet cleaner the stains, spots or high traffic areas you're most concerned with will help make sure they're not missed during the cleaning process.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
what kind of carpet should i buy?
I would say that a week doesn't go by without us getting asked, "I'm thinking of buying new carpet. What kind is best?" Many want us to give them a manufacturer and a brand. But, this is not a question that can be answered in a word or even a sentence, although that's what most want. So what is the answer?
It seems to me that many people have the opinion that 'carpet is carpet', that all carpets are pretty much the same. Unfortunately, that could not be farther from the truth. Let's compare carpets to something else we all have, automobiles. Are all vehicles the same? Of course not. Not only are there different brands but also categories. What's best: a sedan or a pickup truck? A sports car or a minivan? Let's face it, it really depends on what you're using it for. Each one has a place and is suited for specific needs. It's the same with carpets.
Carpets are made with as much variety as cars and trucks. To determine what's best you really have to decide on what you're going to use it for, what your family is made up of and their habits, and what you expect from it.
For instance, a three-season room is very different from a formal dining room, a bedroom from a family room. Also, who's in your family: kids? pets? how many of each? The harder you will be on a carpet, the tougher it has to be. Also, how long will you be using it? If you're planning on moving in the next five years you may not want to purchase a carpet designed to last 20 or more years (yes, they will last at least that long!).
Although there are countless brands and lines of carpet, we can look at carpets by what they are made of. There are primarily four types of materials are used in carpet production: nylon, polyester, olefin(polypropylene), and wool. Each one has very different characteristics and properties, just as a pick-up is different from a car.
Nylon: the best overall material for carpets. It has excellent abrasion resistance so traffic patterns don't develop quickly, is fairly stain resistant, especially with Scotchgard Protection, and responds very well to steam cleaning.
Polyester: very stain resistant, but, we've noticed it crushes or mats fairly quickly and only lifts temporarily after cleaning. This carpet lasts a very long time. We clean some polyesters that are over 40 years old.
polypropelene: the most stain resistant carpet. Some are bleach proof (although we don't recommend it for cleaning). This is an excellent carpet for indoor/outdoor settings, or areas where you need a lot of stain resistance, like a play room. These mat or crush almost immediately, so take that into consideration. It has been far overused in home settings. Personally, I think this is one of the reasons that people have torn out their carpets and installed other floor coverings in recent years.
Wool: no man-made fiber is a soft as natural wool. It resists crushing, is good for long term wear, is naturally fire-resistant, and usually offers rich colors. Unfortunately, it is pricey.
This is just a very short list on carpets. Within each category are numerous 'levels'; the type of material (nylon 6,6, PET, etc.), the density and backing just to name a few. I highly recommend the Carpet Guru's website, at, for a very comprehensive but easy to understand explanation of carpet, padding, and manufacturing. Read it over before you purchase any carpet. Just like you do your homework before you purchase your car, do your research before you buy your carpets. You'll be glad you did.
It seems to me that many people have the opinion that 'carpet is carpet', that all carpets are pretty much the same. Unfortunately, that could not be farther from the truth. Let's compare carpets to something else we all have, automobiles. Are all vehicles the same? Of course not. Not only are there different brands but also categories. What's best: a sedan or a pickup truck? A sports car or a minivan? Let's face it, it really depends on what you're using it for. Each one has a place and is suited for specific needs. It's the same with carpets.
Carpets are made with as much variety as cars and trucks. To determine what's best you really have to decide on what you're going to use it for, what your family is made up of and their habits, and what you expect from it.
For instance, a three-season room is very different from a formal dining room, a bedroom from a family room. Also, who's in your family: kids? pets? how many of each? The harder you will be on a carpet, the tougher it has to be. Also, how long will you be using it? If you're planning on moving in the next five years you may not want to purchase a carpet designed to last 20 or more years (yes, they will last at least that long!).
Although there are countless brands and lines of carpet, we can look at carpets by what they are made of. There are primarily four types of materials are used in carpet production: nylon, polyester, olefin(polypropylene), and wool. Each one has very different characteristics and properties, just as a pick-up is different from a car.
Nylon: the best overall material for carpets. It has excellent abrasion resistance so traffic patterns don't develop quickly, is fairly stain resistant, especially with Scotchgard Protection, and responds very well to steam cleaning.
Polyester: very stain resistant, but, we've noticed it crushes or mats fairly quickly and only lifts temporarily after cleaning. This carpet lasts a very long time. We clean some polyesters that are over 40 years old.
polypropelene: the most stain resistant carpet. Some are bleach proof (although we don't recommend it for cleaning). This is an excellent carpet for indoor/outdoor settings, or areas where you need a lot of stain resistance, like a play room. These mat or crush almost immediately, so take that into consideration. It has been far overused in home settings. Personally, I think this is one of the reasons that people have torn out their carpets and installed other floor coverings in recent years.
Wool: no man-made fiber is a soft as natural wool. It resists crushing, is good for long term wear, is naturally fire-resistant, and usually offers rich colors. Unfortunately, it is pricey.
This is just a very short list on carpets. Within each category are numerous 'levels'; the type of material (nylon 6,6, PET, etc.), the density and backing just to name a few. I highly recommend the Carpet Guru's website, at, for a very comprehensive but easy to understand explanation of carpet, padding, and manufacturing. Read it over before you purchase any carpet. Just like you do your homework before you purchase your car, do your research before you buy your carpets. You'll be glad you did.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Working as a carpet cleaner in Ireland
Instead of offering a tip today i thought i would share my thoughts on working in the cleaning sector in Ireland.
To begin with it is a tough market whether its cleaning carpets, windows, gutters or driveways there is a lot of competition and to be honest we cannot compete with the one man operators that are paying no tax or insurance so to be honest we do not try, Unfortunately for us we are living in tough financial times so for many cost is the bottom line, last week we saw a guy cleaning a sofa with a wet/dry vac that you can buy in argos cant compete for sure!!!
One problem that we do encounter is that people are just not bothered about clean carpets, to give you an example , i was pricing a job last month in Dundrum Dublin an affluent suburb, it was filthy, but in two weeks they were having a wedding party in the house so they wanted it spruced up , my point is that if there was no party there would have been no carpets cleaned.
Are people in Ireland less concerned about hygiene and cleanliness, i dont know to be honest, but when it comes to carpet cleaning our experience is that there are alot more dirty carpets then there are clean , post your thoughts how is it where you are
To begin with it is a tough market whether its cleaning carpets, windows, gutters or driveways there is a lot of competition and to be honest we cannot compete with the one man operators that are paying no tax or insurance so to be honest we do not try, Unfortunately for us we are living in tough financial times so for many cost is the bottom line, last week we saw a guy cleaning a sofa with a wet/dry vac that you can buy in argos cant compete for sure!!!
One problem that we do encounter is that people are just not bothered about clean carpets, to give you an example , i was pricing a job last month in Dundrum Dublin an affluent suburb, it was filthy, but in two weeks they were having a wedding party in the house so they wanted it spruced up , my point is that if there was no party there would have been no carpets cleaned.
Are people in Ireland less concerned about hygiene and cleanliness, i dont know to be honest, but when it comes to carpet cleaning our experience is that there are alot more dirty carpets then there are clean , post your thoughts how is it where you are
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Do carpets affect allergies
Allergies and Carpets - Not What you Think!
We often hear a common thought, 'I'm getting rid of my carpet because I'm worried about allergies.' Now, granted, we are carpet cleaners, and, therefore, we love cleaning carpets and prefer you don't get rid of them. But this thought process may not be well-founded. There are some circumstances where getting rid of carpeting is the best choice. Many times, though, this is based on a lack of understanding on how carpets really work and can benefit a home.
You carpet is a filter. Does that make you uncomfortable? Many feel that way. But really, should it? Your furnace has a filter. When you changed it last what did it look like? Probably filthy and dusty. Did you conclude that there was something wrong with your furnace or the filter itself? Did you feel that because the filter was dirty there was something wrong with it? Of course not! We know that the filter was doing exactly what it was supposed to do, trap allergens and dust. You either replaced it or cleaned it. How does this relate to carpets?
Carpets act like filters in your home. When air moves over or through your carpets, the fibers catch and hold dust, hair, pollen, dander, dirt, etc. Is this bad? No. Think about it. If you had hard floors would there be any less dust? Obviously not. Where would this dust go? Well, every time your furnace or A/C would turn on, or even when doors open and close or people and pets move it causes air to move. With nothing to hold the soil and allergens, they get airborne easily and can find their way into us. Carpets prevent this from happening. They can actually make your indoor air quality (IAQ) better!
There is a big condition on this, though! Think back to your furnace. What do you do when the filter is full? You change or clean it. Most filters are designed to be replaced with new, clean ones. Your carpet is not designed to be changed every few months. It is up to you to clean it. This is done quite efficiently by giving it a thorough, regular vacuuming. Also included in this would be a deep steam cleaning to remove oils and deep down soil that vacuuming can't reach. Unfortunately, many disregard these vital steps and blame the carpet when really they simply aren't maintaining it. This is not simply conjecture, or opinion. Check out this link and the .pdf on it:
So don't be too quick to get rid of your carpet. Really consider the pros and cons of
bare feet good for carpet?
Whether your feet are clean are not, walking barefoot on carpet causes oil absorption. The oils attract dirt and dust, so the carpet does become dirty faster than if you wore socks. Remove your shoes and always wear clean socks when walking on your carpet. This will prolong the period of time between regular carpet shampooing.
common misconceptions about carpet cleaning
Common misconceptions about carpet cleaning.
"How often should I have my carpets cleaned?" This is one of the most asked questions. What do you think? Every few months? Once a year? Once every two years? Only when absolutely necessary? Well, let's examine what's behind the question itself.
I've found that a person that asks this question usually has underlying concerns. Many times these are based on misconceptions.
Misconception #1 - Cleaning your carpets wears them out faster.
False. Wear in carpet does not come from any type of cleaning but actually from a LACK of cleaning. Soil is constantly being deposited in your carpet. This has a bad effect when it is walked on, much like sandpaper would have. You need to remove the soil, grit, sand, oil, etc. Vacuuming the carpets is a good start and is vital to long-term care. But you need to 'wash' out the deeper soil and especially the oils. Think about an oily spot on your counter. Doesn't everything stick to it? The same thing happens on your carpet. Sand, grit, and other things readily stick to it causing further wear. You have to have it cleaned!
Misconception #2 - Once you clean your carpets they get dirtier faster.
False. This misconception comes from the days when you literally 'shampooed' your carpet. You soaped up your carpet, scrubbed it, and left it. It looked great for a while, but what do you think all that soap did? It attracted dirt. Time to scrub it again with more soap, and more dirt was attracted even faster. Do you see an issue? Today's methods are far better. Hot-water extraction leaves very little detergent in the carpets. They will not resoil faster based on the cleaning.
Now it has to be said that cleaning can affect the factory protection. You need to replace this with Scotchgard protection. Often, though, the cleaning exposes the wear the carpet has endured. Worn carpet soils faster. Also, once clean, we are often sensitized to any soiling and it can appear that the carpet is soiling faster.
Misconception #3 - They don't look dirty.
False. Carpets should be cleaned before they look dirty. When they look dirty, it is gone too far; damage is being done to the carpets and wear patterns are setting in. Remember, your carpets have depth. Soil does not stay on top for long. Where does it go? It works it's way down into the carpet. Perhaps, out of sight, out of mind; but, it's still there.
Sometimes, people using a combination of these misconceptions allow years, even a decade or more before cleaning their carpet. They are often quite surprised, even shocked, at the difference a cleaning makes. Don't let it go this far. Regularly vacuum your carpet and have it cleaned professionally.
Monday, March 11, 2013
how to keep your carpet smelling clean
The secret of a clean and smelling fresh carpet is to regular maintain it. Carpets tend to accumulate a lot of dust and dirt daily, which stay trapped in the carpets’ fibre and cause odours. Here are several tips how to make sure that your carpets not only smell fresh, but they’re completely bacteria-free and safety for your family.
Carpets need to be deeply cleaned at least twice a year, so rent a carpet clean from a home improvement store or contact a professional carpet cleaning company to take care of the carpets in your home.
To keep your carpet looking clean and smelling fresh, you should ensure that anyone coming in your home putting their shoes off before stepping on the carpet. Thus way all dirt and grime will stay on the shoes soles instead of on your lovely carpet.
Another way to keep the carpets in your home clean and safety is to place rugs on areas in your home with high traffic. You’ll be able to wipe your feet on the rugs and leave your shoes there so that no dirt and grime spread over your carpets.
Vacuum, vacuum and vacuum. You should vacuum your carpets at least three times a week in order to prevent dust from accumulating and bacteria from growing up which would cause odours.
We at Cleanbright recommends that you use a hwe that rinses out with clean water when cleaning your carpets, because any soap residue may lead to dirt accumulation.
A carpet can be a great addition to home interior and make a home cosier. To prolong the beauty of your lovely carpets, you should know how to keep them clean and smelling fresh. So follow the tips above.!/Cleanbright.carpet
To keep your carpet looking clean and smelling fresh, you should ensure that anyone coming in your home putting their shoes off before stepping on the carpet. Thus way all dirt and grime will stay on the shoes soles instead of on your lovely carpet.
Another way to keep the carpets in your home clean and safety is to place rugs on areas in your home with high traffic. You’ll be able to wipe your feet on the rugs and leave your shoes there so that no dirt and grime spread over your carpets.
Vacuum, vacuum and vacuum. You should vacuum your carpets at least three times a week in order to prevent dust from accumulating and bacteria from growing up which would cause odours.
We at Cleanbright recommends that you use a hwe that rinses out with clean water when cleaning your carpets, because any soap residue may lead to dirt accumulation.
A carpet can be a great addition to home interior and make a home cosier. To prolong the beauty of your lovely carpets, you should know how to keep them clean and smelling fresh. So follow the tips above.!/Cleanbright.carpet
why do spots keep coming back
Why Does This Spot Keep Coming Back?
Have you had the frustrating experience of the 'reaccuring spot?' Someone spills some food, the dog has an accident, or someone walks in with something on their feet. You go into action and work like crazy on the spot. Success! The spot is gone and you breathe a sigh of relief; the night continues. But, soon after, you notice that it is back! 'What?', you ask. So you work on it again, but, a little while longer and it's back again! What's going on? Let's break it down so we can understand what we're dealing with.
Where is the spot coming from?
I have had many people tell me in frustration that the reaccuring spot must be coming up from underneath, maybe even from the padding beneath the carpet. Is this the case?
Well, in most cases the answer is no. In order for the spot to travel , or 'wick up' it needs moisture. So unless there is water constantly present it's unlikely that it is coming up from underneath. So in most cases it's something in the carpet that is attracting soil. Before we go further you need to answer a question...
How long does it take for the spot to appear?
Don't worry if you can't remember exactly how many days or weeks it takes to reappear. It's much simpler than that. If the spot appears during the drying process, when there is moisture present, that's Type 1. If it takes weeks or even months to appear that's Type 2.
Type 1
If the spot appears quickly, during the drying process, this shows that it is either not completely cleaned or is a chemical reaction. Some things, like coffee, can go deep into the carpet when spilled and often take several trys to clean out. Every time you wet the carpet the wicking action goes into effect and draws more coffee to the surface to be cleaned. Many time, though, you get a chemical reaction, commonly called 'browning', that happens. This is a similar reaction to the one that happens when taking a bite out of an apple and seeing the meat of the apple turn brown as it dries. This is a very simple reaction to fix. Try misting some white vinegar on the area to neutralize the spot. Of course, we are also willing to help you out. We use citric acid which has a 'magical' effect making the spot vanish before your eyes.
Type 2
When the spot takes weeks or months to come back, this takes more patience to get out. Something is in the carpet and is attracting dirt. Think back to the day the spot happened, the initial clean-up. What did you use? We've all done this: in a panic we go under our sink and grab the first cleaner we see and begin to work. Many times it's dish soap, a highly concentrated cleaner. Many cleaners are not designed to be used on fabrics like carpet or they need to be rinsed out thoroughly. Honestly, often we are the causes of the reaccuring spot. What should be done? Use a diluted white vinegar solution (4:1 or even 8:1) and clean the spot. Try to blot it up as best as you can. The vinegar will break down the soap and rinse it out. It may take a few times but it will eventually come out.
Many blame carpet in general when these things happen. But, that's not completely fair. When we understand what we're dealing with we can spot like a pro.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Should i clean my carpets myself
If you are like me, paying someone to do something in your home is distasteful. I know that in my line of work, that is exactly what I do. Ironic. But the fact is, if I can figure out a way to do it myself and save some money, I will. I fix my cars, repair my appliances, and do my own building. There is a real sense of accomplishment to figure things out. So what about carpet cleaning?
Even though I work as a professional carpet cleaner, I want to say straight out, that I am not in any way against cleaning your own carpet. Does this surprise you? Well, think about it from my standpoint: if you clean your own carpets, that means you want the carpets to last as long as possible; that's what we want as well. But on a broader level, you care about the appearance not only of the carpets, but of your home as well. These are the types of people we like to work for!
Now this is not to say that cleaning your carpets can be done any way you can think of. There are a lot of products that can be used to "clean" your carpets that we feel should not be used. We avoid naming brands to our customers as these change frequently, but instead focus on methods.
Powders that are applied, scrubbed in and vacuumed out: These are advertised fairly frequently on TV and are often used in a pinch. They may contain odor absorbing compounds like baking soda. This has much of the same drawbacks as the above method. Again, a container of dry compound is sprinkled on the carpets and how much is really vacuumed up? How many people are going to take the time to thoroughly vacuum? What happens to the the rest? It doesn't go away. This method may give you temporary results but the long term results are poor.
What about methods that are good to use?
Rental extraction units: These are simply more powerful versions of the home units. The design may be different but they work the same. Your local hardware store, grocery store, and others may carry these (ex. Rug Doctor).
Here are some things to consider when using the smaller extraction units:
DON'T USE TOO MUCH WATER!!!! Anyone can wet a carpet. Honestly, all it takes is a hose. But, how are you going to get the water out? Make sure that you take a lot of vacuum strokes. Not only is this good for drying, as every drop pulled out is one less that has to evaporate, but remember, the water has soil in it. The carpet will be cleaner simply from this step alone.
DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE SIZE OF THE JOB! Doing the job right takes time with a smaller unit - no way around it. I have heard from my customers on many occasions that weekends have been lost to cleaning a relatively small area of carpet, an area that may take us an hour or so. You need to weigh the costs versus the benefits. Every do-it-yourselfer knows that there are some things it is better to pay someone else to do, whether because of the time, job size, or skill level required.
THIS DOES NOT REPLACE PROFESSIONAL CLEANING. I am not simply saying this for my benefit. It is the truth. While the small units work great for touch up cleaning or sprucing up for when the relatives visit, they simply don't generate the heat and power that a prifessional unit can. They don't clean as deeply or as thoroughly no matter how much time is taken.
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